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1. Ulum Syar'i Curriculum

FIWA uses a diniyah curriculum of ahlus sunnah wal jamaah 'ala fahmi salaf with Arabic as the language of instruction. At FIWA Islamic International Boarding School, students learn to use books of contemporary and classical ulama as the main resources for learning Islamic studies. FIWA Islamic International Boarding School students learn the knowledge of Tawheed, Fiqh, Tafsir, Hadith, Adab & Akhlaq, Shiroh Nabawiyah, Arabic, Nahwu & Shorof as well as Mustholah Hadith, Faraidh and Usul fiqh in advance level.

FIWA has 5 levels of tahfizh program namely, Level 1: tahsin program, Level 2: memorized learning program, Level 3: half-page tahfizh program per day, Level 4: one-page tahfizh program per day and Level 5: mutqin sanad program. In addition, there is also a program of Tafseer Al-Quran and Tahfizh camp. FIWA Islamic International Boarding School standardize tahfizh teaching methodology to all Muhafidz so that the new target of 0.5 pages / per day is achieved. In Allah, if the half-page / today's target is reached, then the student can complete the 30 juz of Al-Quran memorisation in 5-6 years.

3. Ulum Syar'i Learning Methodology

FIWA Islamic International Boarding School follows sunnah of Rasulullah and the way of salafush sholih in teaching and learning ulum syari, which are learning knowledge (ilmu), applying knowledge (amal),  dakwah and Patience. At FIWA Islamic International Boarding School, students learn fundamental knowledge (Al-Quran, Tauhid, Hadits, Fiqh, etc.) from the kitaab of Ulama salafus sholeh, then they will apply their knowledge in their life. They also learn to write articles in Arabic, Giving Public Speaking and Islamic Lecture in Arabic and English, Learn problem solving of real world case based on Al-Quran and Sunnah according to the understanding of Salafush Sholih.

In addition, FIWA  Islamic International Boarding School also uses the final examination approach both in writing and oral (muqobalah) in Arabic. This is very important to prepare them for the entrance test of Islamic University of Madinah or LIPIA.

The application of sunnah within 24 hours of student life in the boarding. All activities are designed to follow sunnah of Rasulullah. From sunnah of sleeping, thoharoh, leaving from the house, sunnah entering and leaving the masjid, Sholah according to Sifat Sholat Rasululluh, tahfizh Al-Quran, morning and evening adzkar, sunnah of bathing, dressing, eating/drinking to name a few. 

FIWA Islamic International Boarding School uses the superior Arabic curriculum, Al-Arobiyyah Bayna Yadaik which is integrated with daily activities at the boarding. Insha'Allah, all Asatidzah, and Musyrif FIWA are proficient in Arabic. They will stay with the students, communicate with students in Arabic and most importantly teach students the proper Islamic adab / akhlaq based on Al-Quran and Sunnah.

6. FIWA Special Umrah Program

At the end of each year, FIWA Islamic International Boarding School conducts a special umrah program. students will learn how to perform the Umroh according to the sunnah, practice Arabic with native speaker, learn from masyaikhs in the Prophet's Mosque (Masjid Nabawi), visit historic sites, and also visit the Islamic University of Madinah campus. For students who have completed senior high school, they will be guided to participate in the Muqobalah (en the Islamic University of Madinah.


1. Flexible Pathway

FIWA Islamic International Boarding School provides two choices of general curriculum Pathway for students of FIWA, the 2013 National Curriculum (K-13) and the International Curriculum Using the Cambridge curriculum. Students can choose the type of curriculum in accordance with the abilities and ideals or targets of each destination university.

FIWA Islamic International Boarding School is the official Cambridge CIE Center which runs the Cambridge IGCSE program, AS / A Level. By getting a Cambridge AS / A Level certificate, FIWA students can continue their education to the best universities in the world.

FIWA Islamic International Boarding School uses Cambridge STEM (science technology engineering mathematics) as a methodology of learning science by strengthening activities that integrate interdisciplinary subjects. FIWA Islamic International Boarding School has an international standard science Lab to look for innovative and fun science learning activities. Inshallah, the children of FIWA Islamic International Boarding School will be accustomed to critical thinking, analytical and innovative.

4. IT Program

FIWA Islamic International Boarding School has a complete IT Lab to support the development of students' IT skills. Students can choose various IT extracurricular programs according to their interests, including Coding, Graphic Design, 3D Animation and Mutimedia. It is expected that from this program, young muslim technopreneurs will be born in the IT field.

5. ANBK Preparation Program and SBMPTN

FIWA Islamic International Boarding School has a special program to prepare students for an ANBK and SBMPTN from an early stage. In 2019, FIWA ranked 6th best in Bogor district in the category of average UNBK score for schools, with an average score of 82. Besides that, almost 60% of FIWA high school students were accepted at the top PTN in Indonesia.

FIWA Islamic International Boarding School has a distinctive Entrepreneurship curriculum adopted from the Young Entrepreneurship Academy of the University of IOWA (USA), Enterprise & Business Development (Cambridge) enriched with Islamic Shariah based on Al-Quran and Sunnah. The Entrepreneurship Program is integrated with student stores and entrepreneurs in the real world program, including online stores.

FIWA Islamic International Boarding School has a distinctive Islamic Leadership curriculum to build the student leadership skill based on Al-Quran and Sunnah. This program is very important to strengthen the personality of each student as well as to build their social life skill, that will make them easy to face all the problems of pesantren life, and most importantly prepare them to become Future Leaders.

Besides using the Cambridge curriculum for students who are already proficient in English and choose the Cambridge pathway, FIWA Islamic International Boarding School also has a special program to build-up the English language skills of students who are still weak in English. The English development program is guided directly by native speakers and FIWA Islamic International Boarding School senior English teachers.

FIWA Islamic International Boarding School has very complete sports facilities with professional trainers. Santri can choose a variety of sports extracurricular ranging from Swimming (Swimming, Archery, Futsal, Basketball, Badminton, Table Tennis and Taekwondo).

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